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Think Ahead, Advance Care planning, MCCI VR Diversity Inclusion Training Health
Think Ahead, Advance Care planning, MCCI VR Diversity Inclusion Training Health Medical App 2 - Preparation for Planning
Think Ahead, Advance Care planning, MCCI VR Diversity Inclusion Training Health Medical

Gender & Disability


Gender & Disability is a VR training scenario focusing on topics of unconscious bias focused on women in the workplace and people using wheelchairs. Originally punished for the HTC VIVE in 2017 after being funded by Remarkable, Telstra Foundation, NSW Family & Community Services & Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Gender & Disability quickly became the most popular virtual reality application in Australia on Viveport, and the most popular globally for business. It was remastered in 2018 for the Oculus Rift CV1, which than saw the application been run in every continent except Antarctica. In early 2021 it was remastered again for flatscreen use with Web-browsers and for Oculus Quest

Remarkable inclusion technology
The Ageing Revolution Virtual Reality Diversity Inclusion Training Equity Equality Empathy Immersive Learning
Cerebral Palsy Alliance


Ally Gender virtual training characters for soft skills and unconscious bias

Step into the shoes of Allie. You are head of marketing for a small-to-medium sized business – responsible for running the company’s events team. In this scene, you will experience what it is like to deal with gender discrimination while navigating a conversation with your manager and a client.

Explore what it feels like to be marginalized and to have assumptions made based on your gender and looks. How does it feel when your manager witnesses the biased behavior and chooses to brush past it?

The scene explores how the following biases intersect with gender in an office environment:


  • Patronizing language
  • Assumption of role
  • Age bias
  • Exclusionary behavior
  • Crediting another with your idea (idea poaching)


Step into the shoes of Matt. You are a web developer, responsible for the company’s recent, successful website redevelopment. In this scene, you will experience bias based on your physical ability in a workplace conversation.

Explore what it feels like to be patronized and to have assumptions made based on your physical ability. How does it feel when your colleague witnesses the biased behavior and chooses to brush past it?

Scene 2 explores how the following biases intersect with disability in an office environment:


  • Patronizing language
  • Assumption of intellectual capability
  • Minimizing behavior
  • Exclusionary behavior
  • Lack of support

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