Train the Trainers

Train The Trainers Course

We recommend training your trains on:

  • How to manage the hardware
  • How to create a safe space
  • How to put someone in VR

We have an e-learning course for Training the Trainers which covers the above in extensive detail, you can to provide to your trainers.

Train the Trainers Workshop

Host a facilitation training workshop, where you can practise using the hardware on each other and setting up a safe space.

You can cover as much or as little of the Train the Trainers course as you see fit. I recommend focusing on at least the Safe Spaces in VR content, as the most important.

Taking it home

Encouage your trainers to take a headset home and facilitate some VR days for their friends and family.

Putting friends and family through VR (even just games) can be a great way to practise creating safe space and learning the ins and outs of facilitating with the hardware.

We recommend playing