What data to collect
What are you measuring already?
This requires the understanding of what are the objectives, and this is usually informed by the unique challenges that an organization has and usually is a part of what the company wants to measure, or is already measuring and therefore should leverage this within a measurement strategy.
For example, if an organization is measuring bias reported at their workplace, you could leverage this already existing measure to track whether a VR implementation or training changes the number of times bias is reported to show causation that the training had an impact.
There are VR specific measurements that you will also implement which are to do with behaviour change, empathy, immersion, and learning retention. These are elements that research has shown VR to outperform traditional methods, and is therefore a key component of measurement in an implementation.
VR Specific Measurements
There are VR specific measurements that you will also implement which are to do with behaviour change, empathy, immersion, and learning retention. These are elements that research has shown VR to outperform traditional methods, and is therefore a key component of measurement in an implementation.
You can download a more detail document on measurement strategy’s here