Collaborating with Domain Group and mwah to scale transformational culture change, countrywide, across a portfolio of brands. Power and Exclusion was developed to give a shared experience at every level of an organization towards understanding the importance of diversity and inclusion, and being able to act on it.
Step into the shoes of Martha. You are an account manager, who is due to discuss quarterly business priorities with your manager. Experience a one-sided workplace conversation, in which your manager is abusing both his position, as well as his physical dominance.
Explore what it feels like to be spoken down to and to berated in the workplace in front of your colleagues. How does it feel when your manager towers over you and refuses to listen to what you have to say?
Where traditional e-learning is not engaging and has proven ineffective at building empathy and changing perspectives
Step into the shoes of John, to discuss business priorities with your manager and colleagues. Your co-workers will take control of the conversation, taking charge of tasks assigned to you, and overriding your quieter nature. Although your manager sees what is happening, she does not address the situation.
Explore what it feels like to be excluded in the workplace by your colleagues. How does it feel when your manager ignores this exclusion and rewards your colleagues rather than dealing with it.
This scenario explores how the following biases intersect with exclusionary practices in an office environment.